Fill in the following fields. The product key you have already received with your invoice. The Hardware key identifies your computer, for which the software will be licensed. You will find it in the display of the software activation utility after installing and running the software. If the hardware key is different from a formerly known hardware key, you have to contact docuFORM for a new activation. Enter your e-mail address. It will be used for confirmation of a successful activation as also as authorizing you at later visits on this page.
Step 2:
The correct license file is required on your computer. In case you have not received your license file yet, click on 'License download...' to receive the file via download. Then import it using the button 'Import license file...'. Therefore, open the entry 'Software activation' via start menu or tray bar symbol. Confirm installation by checking the box below.
License file installed.
Please enter the required data below
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With changes of license capabilities, the correct license file is required on your computer. In case you have not received your license file yet, click on 'License download...' to receive the file via download. Then import it using the button 'Import license file...' with the software activation utility. Finally confirm installation by checking the box below.
License file installed.
Please check the data shown below and change if required
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Step 3:
Enter the activation code as shown into the field 'Activation Key' of the window for software activation. As confirmation you also will receive an e-mail with your activation data.